Indigo Haaglanden
Contactperson: Secretariaat Indigo West
Phone: 06-51296134
If someone cuts their finger or hits their head, you grab the first aid kit. But what if someone has a panic attack or appears depressed?
The Mental Health First Aid training teaches you to provide first aid to people with (starting) psychological problems. You will receive information about the most common psychological problems and a lot of attention is paid to learning skills. You will also learn how to act in a crisis situation.
During the training you will receive information about the most common psychological problems and their characteristics: Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis and Addiction. You will learn how to provide first aid to people with psychological problems according to a fixed action plan. Also what you can do in crisis situations, which can occur with these problems.
You will receive a manual.
Attendance at all meetings is required to receive the certificate. Attending the first meeting is required to follow the rest of the meetings in the same group.
NB When filling in the registration form it is not necessary to fill in billing information.
More information:
Indigo Preventie
Dynamostraat 18, 3083 AK Rotterdam
088 – 357 17 00